The RC
“Salavat Cupere” is a special development project for our republic and city.
Rustam Minnikhanov, President of the RT, set the task of comprehensive
development of the territory when social facilities are built along with
residential buildings, landscaping is carried out, and new roads are laid.
We probably
haven’t yet such urban planning projects of this scale and with this approach.
If the housing in the Azino was built and kindergartens and other objects only
15 years later, we see in the “Salavat Cupere” that two kindergartens appeared
together with the housing, and the school will be ready by the beginning of the
school year. So, the main thing is not just delivering of the housing but the
standard of Kazan families’ living from the first steps at the design stage.
A huge
project is realized literally before our eyes, in a dialogue with the
inhabitants. After one of the working meetings with the new settlers of the
micro-district, we agreed that we would solve the issue of street lighting
first of all. In a short time, the light in the yards was connected through the
streets Zilantovskaya, Fattakh, Arslanov, and Zarechie. We took control of the
issue of building a children's polyclinic. Now we have the decision on the
location. It will be ready next year.
Of course,
there is still a lot of work to do. We are considering the possibility of
expanding the streets Osinovskaya and Fattakh, discussing the prospects for
building a relief road leading to the “Salavat Cupere” from Tetsovskaya Street.
The main thing that we agreed with the residents is that we will continue to
work in this mode, meeting with people and discussing pressing issues on a
regular basis. This is the only way we can create a new comfortable
neighborhood of Kazan with everything that is necessary for a comfortable life.
Step by step, assessing the situation from both sides at once, taking into
account the opinion of new settlers.