It is obvious that a lot has been done in the preservation of historical heritage in recent years. It is important that the center of Kazan is changing. Our citizens can see it,, as well as our guests. One of the most significant objects of 2018 is the reconstruction of the quarter at the intersection of streets Mardzhani and Sultan, the reconstruction of the Bikmukhametov House built in 1883 on Mardzhani Street, №10. The restoration of the bread bazaar complex on Profsoyuznaya Street and the building of the merchant Kurmanaev shops, which was rebuilt in 1961 to the cinema “Sputnik”, is being carried out. By the way, the last has changed several owners and getting a very good appearance at last. Life returned to the house of Fuchs, which at one time seemed to be a very difficult task. But we found an owner for it.
It is good that the systematic work in the historical center continues. Of course, there is still a lot to be done, but there are not so many ruins now.