(KZN.RU, June 7, by Ekaterina Andreeva). Kazan will have a single control center as part of an adaptive transport management. The Italian system OMNIA, whose main purpose is the optimization of traffic flows and which can increase average traffic speeds and reduce congestion on city streets, was presented today at a meeting in the Kazan City Hall.
Traffic jams are common in many large Russian cities, and Kazan is no exception. The main reason for this is the sharp increase in the number of vehicles and in population mobility.
World experience shows that the creation and implementation of an adaptive traffic control system makes it possible to decrease traffic jams by 15-40%, increase carrying capacity by 10-15%, reduce travel time by 15-20% and reduce noxious emissions by 20 -25%.
The new system has many advantages over the current one since it can track traffic flows in real time. Traffic detectors will be installed at busy intersections (the system will operate at 95 traffic lights and 16 rotaries located along the routes of the Universiade), which will constantly measure the amount of traffic, and, depending on it, operate the traffic lights.
The program will in no way disadvantage the pedestrians: the minimum time required to cross the street will always be guaranteed.
The total cost of the project will amount to 980 million rubles. This amount will cover the purchase of the equipment (detectors and controllers) to be installed at intersections, the equipment for the central traffic control point, the software cost and construction work. The program is being funded from the federal budget. 300 million rubles have already been allocated.
A unified traffic control center is to be set up in Kazan as part of the adaptive system. The Mayor of Kazan Ilsur Metshin instructed the designers to think carefully about its functionality. "Life is constantly dictating new terms, and new problems keep appearing in the urban economy. This must be the kind of design that will allow addition of new products "- summed up Ilsur Metshin.