I. Metshin will examine a new bridge across river Noksa in Voznesenskoe settlement
Kazan City KZN.RU
(Kazan City
KZN.RU, December 9). Mayor Ilsur Metshin will examine the new bridge over the
river Noksa, which opened in the settlement of Voznesenskoye at Sovietsky
district of the city.
Recall the
bridge at the entrance to the settlement of Voznesenskoye was demanding
reconstruction. The facility was built in 1995 and was designed for a small
number of private vehicles. However, in recent years, individual housing has
been actively built in the settlement, and now many of the residents have cars.
In addition, daily a large number of trucks and public transportation pass the bridge.
The new
bridge is designed for two-way traffic, and the total span length is 33 meters.
Sidewalks with width of 1.5 meters are on both sides.