(KZN.RU, September 19, by Ekaterina Andreeva). The adoption of a new project for cultural heritage protection zones will be a landmark in the further development of the capital of Tatarstan. "This important document will clearly regulate the development of the historic city center," said Mayor of Kazan Ilsur Metshin today.
The project does permit construction in the historic areas. However, the document clearly defines permitted construction parameters including, above all, high-rise buildings, construction area margins, color schemes, etc .
It will be remembered that a previous draft of Kazan protection zones was adopted in 1988. The tight restrictions contained in it effectively excluded the possibility of any construction in the city center.
The newly developed instrument consists of a single historic and architectural plan, indicating all protected objects as well as zoning. It establishes zones where new construction is prohibited and three types of regulated costruction zones as well as natural landscape protected areas.
The project identifies 36 landmarks - the monuments which should be easily viewed from 8 to 12 angles. Say, according to the new project, Zilantov Convent should be readily seen from eight points. "All buildings should be erected with these points in mind," said Ilsur Metshin. "Build anything you want but the view of Zilantov Convent from eight points (e.g. Gorbaty Bridge, the Volga channel and the Kremlin among others) should be unobstructed. The same applies to the Kazan Kremlin and Marjani Mosque."
In addition to the city landmarks, strict regulation protection zones are envisaged for each of the other 342 sites of federal, regional and local importance.